I Want To Meet You!
Registration Opens On January 11th 6 pm pst (it will sell out fast)….Get all of the info at www.Cancun2015.com
Registration Opens On January 11th 6 pm pst (it will sell out fast)….Get all of the info at www.Cancun2015.com
Qualifying for Success Club isn’t very hard, all that a Coach needs to do is every month is:
- Sell 3 Challenge Packs (6 Success Club pts)
- Sell 2 Challenge Packs and 1 Shakeology HD (5 Success Club pts)
A Challenge Pack is worth 2 points, and a Shakeology HD sale is worth 1 point.
January is Bonus Resort Dollars month….this means if you make Success Club 10, you would earn $200 Resort Dollars! ($20 for every Success Club pt)