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What happens if you decide to become a Beachbody Coach?…What is the next step?
One of the main things I want to emphasize is that if you do decide to sign up, you are not signing up with just one person, you are joining and entire Team that is available to you as a resource.
There is a massive amount of training provided and the main thing I want you to know is that you will not be left alone to figure this out on your own.
When you join you will be plugged into a (38 day) daily email training series where you will be provided with training materials to review for that day, and also what daily actions steps to take.
You will also be added to our private Team Facebook group where you will be able to connect with other Coaches, post questions, and find valuable ideas, tips, and strategies to help you grow your business.
You will be in business FOR yourself, but not BY yourself.