Greetings From Marcus Ochoa,

I’ve partnered up with Matt Loyd (one of the Futuristic Marketing trainers) and we have some amazing bonuses to give to YOU!!

Use This Special Link To Get ‘Futuristic Marketing,’ And You’ll Get ALL The Bonus’s On This Page For Free:

If you decide to order ‘Futuristic Marketing’ by using the links on this page, we are committed to giving you the BEST bonuses that anyone is offering.

Why? Because I’m going to get a commission. If I want your business, I should earn it, right?

Keep in mind, regardless of whether you buy it from me, another affiliate, or Jonathan Budd himself, it will be the same price, and the exact same product.

If you’re looking at this page, and you’re not quite ready to enroll in Futuristic Marketing yet, make sure you bookmark this page so if you change your mind, you can get all of these free bonuses…

The bottom line is, I’ve personally purchased Jonathan & Mark’s stuff before and was always very happy with what I got. They provide true value and I wouldn’t be recommending their product if I didn’t think it was worth the money. And now with all of the bonuses offered on this page, it becomes a no brainer. When you order Futuristic Marketing from this page, you get all of the bonuses listed here, and all of Jonathan Budd’s bonuses he lists in his video.

Listen to Matt explain how this works…


Bonus Package For Everyone Who Orders From This Blog. Futuristic Marketing will be on sale for exactly 7 days – from July 25th, to August 1st. If you decide to buy it from this page, you’ll automatically get our bonus package (we’ll contact you shortly after buying, to confirm you got the bonus).

Use This Special Link To Get ‘Futuristic Marketing,’ And You’ll Get ALL The Bonus’s On This Page For Free:

So let’s get into the juicy details of what you will be getting:

Bonus Package For Everyone!

This bonus package will go down in history, as the greatest bonus package of all time.

I know that sounds like a bunch of hype… but, I’ve assembled the largest team of successful online entrepreneurs, to ALL contribute to the bonus. These are people who have made hundreds of thousands, to millions of dollars online.

I’ve broken the bonus up into the different parts you’ll be getting, based on who is behind it. Remember though… you’ll get EVERYTHING below when you order ‘Futuristic Marketing’ from this page.

Matt Lloyd’s Bonuses:

1.) The Futuristic Marketing ‘Done-For-You’ Money Machine (literally worth over $17,000)!

What are the 3 things you need to really make a ton of money with the Futuristic Income Machine (automated webinar software you’re already getting with Futuristic Marketing)?

1.) Your own product to sell…

2.) Your own recorded sales webinar to sell that product, which converts viewers into buyers.

3.) Someone to set up all the technical parts of the above, to make sure it all works smoothly…

When you decide to get Futuristic Marketing from this page, you’ll get ALL the above, absolutely FREE.

That’s right… my team will actually set ALL of the above up for you… so all you have to do, is share your ‘Futuristic Income Machine’ link with others on Facebook.

What is this product you get to sell as your own?

Possibly the best product I’ve ever done. It’s called ‘Online Income Revolution’ – it’s a 3 day event, with Matt Lloyd, Daegan Smith, Greg Gomez, and others… tickets were $1,000, and only 50 people were allowed to attend.

There’s over 24 hours of high quality video content in this program- it is worth every penny. You’ll be able to offer this to YOUR customers.


You can actually see the sales letter for it at

Is it really ‘done for you?’

Yes. It won’t take you more than 10 minutes to get us what we need… and then we’ll take it from there.

We’ll write the script for your webinar. We’ll record it. We’ll upload it onto our hosting account (so your not paying ongoing hosting costs).

We’ll take care of all the technical parts of setting it up, and just hand you a complete ‘done-for-you’ already-working webinar, ready to make you sales.

We’ll provide the customer support.

We’ll provide the fulfillment.

We’ll create the entire product…

You’ll get to leverage my credibility too- it’s much harder to get sales online if you haven’t yet had a whole lot of success. With this, your results don’t matter- since I’ll be doing all the selling for you…

We’ll do all the tech set up (I’ve actually hired Jonathan Budds personal tech manager- the same guy behind the Futuristic Marketing launch, to help manage the tech for this so everything runs smoothly).

The real value here (besides being able to make $897 commissions) is the fact you’ll have me writing, and recording the webinar script.

The last webinar I co-hosted with Jonathan Budd back in early 2012, we maxed out the lines with 1,000 attendees, and made just over 70 sales. At $3,000 apiece! You do the math on that…

Anyone can host a webinar. But few people can host a sales webinar that makes a ton of money– that takes a lot of practice, and few people can do it well.

I’ll record the sales webinar to sell ‘Online Income Revolution’ for you. You’ll be able to sell this program for $997 … and, you keep 90% of that (just under $900) per sale.

I’ve never offered this before… strictly for the first 300 buyers only. And I will NOT ever offer this again (since it’s a ton of extra work I’m doing for you).

The only reason I’m offering it to you now – reluctantly I might add, is to make my Futuristic Marketing Bonus better than any other being offered.

Here’s how it will work: you’ll promote your webinar (the one my team sets up for you) on Facebook. As soon as someone registers for the webinar through your link, you’ll get the lead… they’ll then be invited to attend the online workshop, at 9pm that night.

They’ll go along.

If they decide to buy, they’ll pay $997 upfront – OR pay with the payment plan- and you’ll pocket 90% of that as your commission.

Like I said, this will only be done this one time – for the first 300 buyers of Futuristic Marketing, from this page (or any of the other ‘Underdogs’ team members). If this section has not yet been removed, it means there’s a few left. Just use this link to order and it’s all yours:

2.) The Futuristic Marketing Implementation Program (Currently priced at $4,000)

Futuristic Marketing Bonus

You can read the full sales letter for this ‘implementation program’ at:

But I’ll sum it up for you here:

I will be leading a live coaching program over 8 weeks, where I’ll work with you to IMPLEMENT what you learn in Futuristic Marketing so you make money with it.

The last thing I want, is for this to be another course you bought and got no results with.

Since Jonathan has asked me to teaching 3 of the core modules inside of Futuristic Marketing, I know the product better than anyone (except Mark and Jonathan).

And, more important, I know the exact steps you need to go through, to convert the knowledge into money.

You can only get the ‘Futuristic Marketing Implementation Program’ from this blog, by either investing $4,000, OR, by simply buying Futuristic Marketing with my link here:

Here’s my guarantee if you enroll in this implementation program:

If you attend every single live workshop of the ‘Futuristic Marketing Implementation Program,’ and, you don’t make your first $10,000 in the next 2 months as a result of being involved, I will buy back ‘Futuristic Marketing’ from you at full cost.

Try showing me anyone else in this industry who’s prepared to back up their training like that…

3.) A Free Ticket Matt Llyoyd’s Live Event in September, ‘Add The Nitrous’ – tickets currently sell for $4,997


‘Add The Nitrous’ will be one of the bigger internet marketing events of this year. I’m holding it in San Diego, September 28th.

You can see the sales letter for it here:

As the headline says:

“12 internet millionaires show you EXACTLY how they’d ‘Add the Nitrous’ …to make a million dollars as fast as possible – if they had to start again from scratch with no list and no contacts”

This will be a 3 day event, with the following speakers:

– Myself

– Jonathan Budd

– Mark Hoverson

– Greg Gomez

– Vince Reed

– Justin Glover

– Daegan Smith

– … and more to come.

Use This Special Link To Get ‘Futuristic Marketing,’ And You’ll Get ALL The Bonus’s On This Page For Free:

You’ll notice that every single one of these speakers are the real deal – I’ve deliberately chosen them, because they know how to boost sales. Again, read the sales letter here for full details.

(Photo from my last live mastermind event, ‘Online Income Revolution’)

4.) 6 Months Free Access to my ‘Inner Circle’ program… (Value: $582)

As part of my Inner Circle program, every week I’ll bring on a guest expert- someone who is making it happen in their online business -to share what they’re doing.

Past guest trainers have included…

– Daegan Smith

– Michelle Alpha

– Emilio Karam

– Greg Gomez

– an many more…

Currently, there’s over 30 hours of solid training back there… of course, you won’t need to go through it all. You can just pick and choose what applies to your business, right now.

Example: if you need more leads, there’s a training in there that shows step-by-step how to get over 150 leads / day, consistently. If you need to know how to set up a basic sales funnel, there’s another training that will walk you through the process, from start to finish.

Here’s just a sneak preview of what some of our trainings cover:

  • how to get more leads (literally up to 143 a day)
  • how to craft super high-converting sales funnels (that bring in commissions while you’re sleeping)
  • how to develop your own products, and market them so they sell (if you’ve been struggling to get your first product done, I will show you how to do one in under 48 hours)
  • if you’re in network marketing, how to recruit using nothing other than automated systems online (this is ultra-advanced… but if you’re like me, and you hate having to chase after prospects, then you’ll love this)
  • … and a whole lot more.

You can see the sales video for ‘The Inner Circle’ here.

5.) 4 Of The Best-Selling Training Programs I’ve Ever Produced (Total Value: $873)

My Email Marketing Empire (sells for $194):

Part of the Unstoppable Entrepreneurs Bonus Package

It sells everyday for $197.00. You can go and see what’s in it on the sales letter at

Even though it sells for $197, I’ve actually had happy customers tell me they would have paid closer to $997 for it. It’s that good. It will show you how to do email marketing the right way- the way the pros do it.

There’s over 8 hours of top-notch video training in this baby- and you’ll get access to it INSTANTLY as soon as you order ‘Futuristic Marketing’ through this link right here:

Use This Special Link To Get ‘Futuristic Marketing,’ And You’ll Get ALL The Bonus’s On This Page For Free:


How To Build A Funded Proposal (sells for $194):

Unstoppable Bonus - How To Build A Funded Proposal
How To Build A Funded Proposal

This program will literally show you step-by-step how to put together your very own sales funnel… nothing is left out.

The O.P.T. Formula (sells for $194):

If you hate doing tech stuff in your online business, and you’d rather just focus on the stuff that brings in sales, this program is for you.

It shows you how to hire and build your own team, to help you get your online business to the next level.

Affiliate Bonus Domination (sells for $291):

This program will show you how to assemble your own bonus’s to win affiliate contests (exactly like what I’m doing here…)

Vince Reed’s Bonus: Getting Back Into The Game, Yahoo & Bing Secrets (Worth $2,997)

Vince Reed is one of the top traffic guys in the online network marketing niche… and, he’s also one of the few people who still get a TON of leads from Yahoo and Bing.

In this traffic program he’ll be teaching you 3 main things:

1. How to find keywords that get tons of traffic but have little competition

2. 3 ways to generate leads without using a lead capture page

3. How to automate sales and Increase team growth

Use This Special Link To Get ‘Futuristic Marketing,’ And You’ll Get ALL The Bonus’s On This Page For Free:

Greg Gomez’s Bonus: Sales-Team Income Revolution + The MLM Webinar Blueprint (Worth $1,997)

Greg Gomez III Presents: Bonus #1:

Sales-Team Income Revolution…

(Live Stage Presentation From OIR Event)

How to Build Rock Solid, E!ective “Ninja” Sales Teams From Your Existing List…

…To Multiply Your Revenue 3 to 5 times in Less Then 60 Days.

Greg Is renowned as one of the telemarketing industry’s best & brightest,

building sales teams that generated millions of dollars in revenue in all in less

then 6 months of setting up…

…in this stage presentation at Matt Lloyd’s ‘Online Income Revolution’ event, he laid

out every piece of his sales team building process that has generated millions…

More specifically, This is the EXACT process Greg used to sponsor over

253 personal associates, earning a net of$483k in 6 Months, with less then

15 hours a week of implementation…

Here’s just a bit of what you’ll learn:

• How to triple your online sales e!orts with well placed “rejection-free” phone


• How to immediately find your best phone reps with little training required…

• Proven word-for-word templates of our best recruiting ads, websites, and

sales copy…

• The best ways to “train” less, work smarter, and recruit more with LESS time

wasted teaching green-ears how to close…

• Fastest ways to evolve your sales teams from 1-2 sales reps producing 5 to

10 sales a week EACH! (Then 3-5 reps, then 10-20, and MORE!) All under 6-months…

• The pitfalls of each stage of development, how to deal with them, and

ultimately what you need to push through to your own million dollar sales


• And SO Much More…


Greg Gomez III Presents: Bonus #2:

The MLMBB Webinar Blueprint…

In case you haven’t noticed, webinars work REALLY well to get people to join

your teams, buy your products, and share your o!ers with others…

The down side, as they gain in popularity, they are also starting to wane in

e!ectiveness, (especially if you sell a big ticket item)…

Well after massive testing, Greg has developed a completely di!erent way to do

webinars, that has a VALUE heavy approach that THRILLS your webinar

attendees, feverishly taking notes, and clamoring to join your big ticket o!er…

In this Special (NEVER BEFORE RELEASED) training you’ll learn…

• The reason your webinar’s aren’t converting like they used to…

• 3 Simple “Pre-Invite” tactics you must use RIGHT NOW that will position your

o!er to sell with 3 to 5 times more e!ectiveness.

• Sample copies of Greg’s best subject lines and emails that get double

attendance then “standard” teachings…

• 12 point “presentation” model Greg uses in EVERY training that net over 13%

close rates… (Unheard of when you’re selling $5k o!ers online)

• How to get over 93% “stick” rates on your webinars from beginning to end…

(We’ve tested this on webinars lasting OVER 3 HOURS and STILL Closed Over

11.3% of attendees at $2k+!!!)

• How to nearly triple your revenue from ONE technique that few people

practice, generates more stable revenue, & can transform your finances every

month on near auto pilot…

• And SOOO Much More…

Use This Special Link To Get ‘Futuristic Marketing,’ And You’ll Get ALL The Bonus’s On This Page For Free:

Adam Holland’s Bonus (Worth $1,997):

4 Pillars To Success:

  • The 4 Pillars to achieving peace of mind, financial security, and the ability to design your lifestyle.
  • Why “Goal Setting” doesn’t work for most people, and why understanding the difference between “inner goals” and “outer goals” can make all the difference.
  • The points of leverage you require so you can make more money in less time.
  • How to create your own “Magic ATM” that deposits automated payments into your bank account.
  • And more!

Home Income Jump Start

  • How to start making money online without traffic, marketing, or a list – this is a newbie’s DREAM!
  • My secret to going right to the BUYERS that are already waving their credit card in your face, and eliminating the grunt work so you can say “show me the money” right away!
  • Main training: 30 ways to make $500+ in 30 days
  • BONUSES: Cash Siphon Rolodex – over a dozen places where the BUYERS hang out // Video: Earn While You Learn Arbitrage // Video: Magnetic Copy Creation // Video: “The 3 Tiered Income Strategies”.

Justin Glover’s Bonus: Digital Business Mastery (Value: $1,997)

Digital Business Mastery (DBM for short) is a completely comprehensive 60 day training program specifically designed for aspiring online entrepreneurs with a desire to build a 6 figure business on the internet…

The training is broken up into the following 4 modules:

Module 1: Core Training

• Affiliate marketing: 12 videos, plus a bonus report and an action guide to show you pretty much everything you need to know to become a better affiliate marketer. This was sold as a stand alone course in the past, but it’s included right here inside module 1 as a bonus.

Use This Special Link To Get ‘Futuristic Marketing,’ And You’ll Get ALL The Bonus’s On This Page For Free:

• Market Validation: 6 detailed videos & 4 exercises to show you how to be 100% certain that the market you are in is a profitable one.

• Product Validation: 10 videos to help you validate that the product you are selling is a profitable one, and whether your offer is a winner…

Module 2: Business Setup

• Niche Marketing Model (Path 1): A series of 16 click by click videos where you will learn one of the easiest ways to make money on the internet…

• Strategic Marketing Model (Path 2): In these 11 videos, you will expand your knowledge of building a profitable Lead Generation System from scratch…

Module 3: Traffic Mastery

• Introduction To Traffic: You will learn that most people FAIL at driving traffic because they look at it in the entirely wrong way. Hint: It has to do with a house and an overgrown field of grass

• 21 Day Traffic Plan: You will learn why most of the ‘gurus’ follow a 21 day traffic plan over anything else… I will also walk you through the process of setting up your OWN 21 day traffic plan as well as show you some examples.

• Leverage Marketing: In this section you will learn what leverage marketing is, and why it’s one of the most POWERFUL methods of driving free traffic.

• Paid Traffic: In this section, I break down one of my absolute favorite traffic driving methods that you can immediately start using. I shared this method with my $20,000 per year mastermind group and they were ALL taking notes! (most of them are ALREADY making 7 Figures online)

Module 4: Business Growth

• Analyze Your Traffic: In this section, I will introduce you to the world of tracking and testing. I’ll go deep inside Google Analytics, and teach you the difference between “money numbers” and “conversion numbers”(Hint: EVERY 7 figure earner online knows these 2 metrics and once you go through this section, you will too)

• Increase Your Conversion: This is where things really start to get fun… I’ll introduce you to split testing, and teach you how to use all the tools that you will need in order to start split testing like a pro.

• Drive More Traffic: Once you make it through the split testing section, it’s time to crank up your traffic skills. This is where you will find additional traffic driving strategies to take your game to the next level.

Gavin Mountford’s Bonus (Value: $997):

If you’re sick and tired of being frustrated, distracted, overwhelmed and NEVER getting anything done while trying to build up your business on the Internet… then ‘Double Your Business Productivity’ is for you…

Here’s just a little of what you’ll learn:

• How to use the 60/60/30 principle and the 80/20 rule to save you between 1-2 hours per day with your Internet Marketing. (Imagine how much more you’ll get done and how great you’ll feel at the end of the day by implementing these small changes into your business)…

• My “No-Brainer” Five (5) step process for taking complete control of that CRAZY, overgrown email inbox you’ve currently got. Implement this process and watch your creativity EXPLODE because you’ve just freed up at least 11% of your brain clutter..!

• My exact secret methods for monitoring your time, getting clear and current and reducing your information overload on a daily basis to make sure those time wasting habits don’t resurface again…

• How to make one ‘tiny’change to the way you think which will turn you 360 degrees into a results machine, churning out task after task after task (It will totally transform how much you get done each day leaving you feeling fulfilled and happy at the end of it)…

• 1 simple little technique you MUST implement into your driving force which will PUSH you towards achieving your goals FAST! (hint… this might be a little painful at first, but I promise you it’s worth it’s weight in gold)…

Plus much, much more…

Ankur Agarwal’s Bonus (Value: $497):

1) Learn The Simple Yet Powerful Duplication Strategies Which You Can use To Build A Downline Of Over 100K + In Any MLM Opportunity

2) A Unheard Of Monster Secret Which You Can Use To Launch Any Country In The World And Duplicate In massive Numbers

3) Casestudy included of how I build a team fo 6000+ reps in Singapore in 4 short months 100 % offline and the technique is so powerful that it can be duplicated in any corner of the world !!


Use This Special Link To Get ‘Futuristic Marketing,’ And You’ll Get ALL The Bonus’s On This Page For Free:

 To Get All Of The Bonuses Offered Here. Just Be Sure Order From The Link On This Page, Then, once you’ve bought ‘Futuristic Marketing, forward your receipt to ‘ and we’ll send you your bonuses.

Terms: Matt Lloyd’s bonus’s will be delivered within 36 hours of ordering Futuristic Marketing- possibly much sooner. The physical goods in the fast action bonus’s will be presented at the live ‘Add The Nitrous’ event (which you’ll have a free ticket to, as a bonus). If you decide to take the cash value, or, you do not attend the event to collect them, the amount you receive will be 10% lower than the hard good value, and will be sent by Paypal. The hard good value of each of the fast action bonus’s are as follows: 11 inch Macbook Air: $999, 32 Gb Ipad: $759, 8 Gb Ipod: $289, Montblanc pen: $80, Ipod Shuffle: $60.







































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